Collection: Custom Name Blankets, Personalized Name Books, & Name Gifts

Personalized Children's Books, Name Blankets & all Personalized Name Gifts!

Don't have the perfect photo to use for one of our personalized photo story books? No worries. You can still give a special and unique personalized gift, with a personalized name book or custom name blanket! A special keepsake they can enjoy time and time again and personalized name blanket they can cozy up in! Children love reading story books with their name in it, these special custom name books and custom name blankets will make them feel special and encourage self confidence and love! Explore our Personalized Name Gifts below...

Check out our Personalized Blankets - FAST and FREE SHIPPING to USA

Choose from our selection of personalized BLANKETS WITH NAME only
- or our blankets personalized and designed with your PHOTO(s)
All blankets are FREE SHIPPING Worldwide and Super Fast Shipping to USA
You will receive your blanket to USA 1-2 weeks after ordering!